Lesson One

12 July 2024

Cinematography is the art of Moving Pictures.

I have a Pentax Camera with which I take still pictures. If I take several pictures changing things either by moving the camera lens or the objects photographed, then assemble these picture and view them one after the other, we can call it a”moving picture”. Cinematography is the art of putting these images or “moving pictures” together to tell a story.

Cinematography comes from two ancient Greek words; kinēme, which means movement, and gráphein, which means to write, paint, or draw.

A video camera is a more sophisticated way of filming your story.

A flip book is another form of making a “moving picture.”

Categorized as BLOG

By Lisa

I am a visual artist with a physical disability interested in writing a game. In this game you will make an avatar that lives online but who also appears in the material realm. The goal is to write your own story as you live it.

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