What’s in a newsletter?

So much is happening on the world stage and we all have a front row seat.

Earthly Politics and Power

Trump is in the power seat of the Americas and pulling all the levers. He is indeed the Commander in Chief. I believe he is a good man appointed and anointed by our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Europe, there is Putin, China’s leader Chi, and


God is sovereign and does what he wants. Jesus our King, rules over all the kingdoms of Earth and in The Heavens and also in Hell for he has the Keys to all the realms. The third Person of the Holy Trinity, is The Holy Spirit which is in all of us and everywhere.

Local News

Bryan Paterson is running for the Conservatives in the next Federal Canadian Election in the riding of Kingston and the Island. He has thrown his hat in the ring and started fundraising. He has done three terms as Mayor of Kingston and is a Christ Follower.


Recently, it has come to my attention that our words create our reality.

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Greetings Friends,

How to plan a wedding. You could look here, here, or here.

Hiring a Photographer.

The Rings

The Proposal

The Honeymoon. Denver Colorado.

The Service by Rev. Robert

The Dinner The Mandarin in Kingston Ontario.

The Day: May 24th, 2025

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