
Thursday, Nov 4, 2021

Good Morning Everyone. I hope all is good where you are.

I’m pretty okay at this moment. It is super foggy out. Everything is white with a cloud of fog.

I woke up at 6 am, and it was still dark, so I stayed in bed till about 9 am.

I’m re-doing the focus in my life, focusing on three meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and supper. Breakfast is light. A boiled egg and a piece of fruit, banana or apple. Lunch has pepperoni sticks, cheese, crackers, yogurt and another piece of fruit. Then, I cook a one-dish thing for supper with meat, potatoes, onions, and cabbage.

Since food has not been my motivating structure, I’ve had lots of time to do projects and play. In a way, this has left me stranded without a strong enough framework to move to the next level of achievement. Something is missing in my form. I need more calories to blossom into something new. I’ve decided to put food first. I met a new friend this summer, Keith Sibbitt, who reminded me of this fact that food preparation is valuable. We had a wonderful summer together. More on that to come later.

I explained it to my sister, who confirmed that this is how most people live and that she and her husband plan their meals as soon as they get up.

Generally, I eat when I am hungry about once a day, and often I ignore hunger when it shows up and find that it goes away. Sometimes I fast for up to three days, but I might be done with that since I am shifting my focus to food and kitchen cleanup. Then as I do my other activities, they will be done within the food structure that I am retraining my rigpa – John Lamb Lashes word for intuition- to run. Much more to be learned on this. Or I also think of it as retraining my subconscious to run this three-meals-a-day program.

So now my breakfast is done!

Now I will go clean up the kitchen. 🙂

Working on audio visual for new project.
Portsmouth Harbour Summer 2021

In the next post, I might discuss my new project, Boat Culture!

Love Lisa