Too Much

Today, I am setting out to save my website to my computer. I wrote about how to do it a while back. Let us see if I can find it.

It is on my website Yikes. Someone is listening to random video about solar power in China.

Okay lets see if I can stay on task.

Back to my desire to do something this morning. What is that?

Ah, hes. Make a copy of my website and save it on a memory stick and my computer.

Okay back to my site

We a publishing this immediately. Oh and I recommend Grammarly.

That renewable energy sound in the background is super distracting. I can hardly stay on topic.

Oh. how to save my website for permanent destruction.

Okay break.

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I am hungry for the word of God. Jesus, the only son of God, died on the cross to pay for our sins. He is our lifeline to everlasting life.

This morning I woke up thinking Colossians. Why I wonder?

Keith and I are planning to visit Monty on August 3rd. I wanted to start planning the trip. Monty lives somewhere in Picton. I don’t have the coordinates; Keith does. I will be in charge of driving.

Colossians is on page 1103 of my Holy Bible, the New Saint James version.

Keith and I discussed the trip to Monty’s over the dishes. We have a suitcase in the studio closet which we have never used. It was hanging on a hanger and he got it out for me to pack. It might be too big for overnight.

Anyway Colossians starts out:

  1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother.
    • 2. To the Saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse.
    • Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

Colosse had been “a great city of Phrygia,”

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