Keep Your Eyes On Your Own Fries

Sunday, May 19 ,2024

Yesterday, Keith and I drove to the Rideau Lakes Aerodrome South of Westport for the May Fly-In.

The road entrance to the Aerodrome is approximately 850m West on Country Road 10 from County Road 42.

Upcoming Events…

Ultra light Focused Fly-In

July 20, 2024 (Rain Day July 21)

Pigs and Pies

Fall Fly-In Oct 12, 2024 (Rain Day Oct 13)

Categorized as BLOG


The world has changed. We humans, all of us, have come through something strange and awful and weird.

It is as if we all lost our minds and are stuck, trying to recover without help or guidance. Most of us haven’t been able to identify the cause because it is hidden. Although, we have our suspicions. There is no one who knows what to do to fix us and our broken world.

The psychic attack is top-down. It comes from everywhere all at once. Into our homes, for our families. We were unprepared for the viciousness. We were babies in the woods with no one to protect us.

Our institutions attacked us. All at once, with a mind virus pretending to be biological. Then, it came hard at us with a solution. These are the tropes of mind control. Create a problem, introduce the solution. Rinse. Repeat.

Our lack of protection from our institutions was astonishing. Slowly we discovered with a careful wariness the weaponized bureaucracy that still holds us in an undeclared civil war. We could not see this enemy because it was in us. In our government in our professionals. There is no one to blame.

And so here we are up. Still alive. Up and moving around cautiously. The questions of rebuilding trust and prosperity run through our blood and veins.

We have never experienced such a deep psychic wound. Not since the tower of babel fall have we been so disoriented and unable to communicate with each other. Every topic is a minefield. We tiptoe around each other looking for connection.

What else can we do?