
Thursday, Nov 4, 2021

Good Morning Everyone. I hope all is good where you are.

I’m pretty okay at this moment. It is super foggy out. Everything is white with a cloud of fog.

I woke up at 6 am, and it was still dark, so I stayed in bed till about 9 am.

I’m re-doing the focus in my life, focusing on three meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and supper. Breakfast is light. A boiled egg and a piece of fruit, banana or apple. Lunch has pepperoni sticks, cheese, crackers, yogurt and another piece of fruit. Then, I cook a one-dish thing for supper with meat, potatoes, onions, and cabbage.

Since food has not been my motivating structure, I’ve had lots of time to do projects and play. In a way, this has left me stranded without a strong enough framework to move to the next level of achievement. Something is missing in my form. I need more calories to blossom into something new. I’ve decided to put food first. I met a new friend this summer, Keith Sibbitt, who reminded me of this fact that food preparation is valuable. We had a wonderful summer together. More on that to come later.

I explained it to my sister, who confirmed that this is how most people live and that she and her husband plan their meals as soon as they get up.

Generally, I eat when I am hungry about once a day, and often I ignore hunger when it shows up and find that it goes away. Sometimes I fast for up to three days, but I might be done with that since I am shifting my focus to food and kitchen cleanup. Then as I do my other activities, they will be done within the food structure that I am retraining my rigpa – John Lamb Lashes word for intuition- to run. Much more to be learned on this. Or I also think of it as retraining my subconscious to run this three-meals-a-day program.

So now my breakfast is done!

Now I will go clean up the kitchen. 🙂

Working on audio visual for new project.
Portsmouth Harbour Summer 2021

In the next post, I might discuss my new project, Boat Culture!

Love Lisa

By Lisa

I am a visual artist with a physical disability interested in writing a game. In this game you will make an avatar that lives online but who also appears in the material realm. The goal is to write your own story as you live it.


  1. Event Planning
    Chapter 1

    Hi its me again. 🙂 Locked out bb. Locked out again.
    I thought I would leave a comment here instead of delaying the writing another minute.

    S all the underground plumbing is in.
    Okay. So whats next?
    Checck it.
    Rn some water through it.
    S: Will do.

    Thank you, Tess of thee derbervills.
    I reall love what youve done with the place.
    Thanks, Brenda. It took 200 years.
    Oh, suck. That is focus.
    I know, Jim replied. There is no resting on our laurals here.
    S: none.
    What I heard was that Faulkner always published his first draft. Every time. “Can you imagine that?”
    Hmmm. : Let me try.
    Hmmmmmm. mmmmmmm. ,<<<<<>>>>>>.
    First things first. Last things last.

    Last things come first.

    Okay, sure. Flowers we are going to need some more flowers in here.

    Jay: I’ll go order some right now.
    Okaaaay, jim drawled coolly. You go do that and I will wait here for the balloons.
    How many, again?
    Welll, three to start with. One for each rist and the back of the head.
    Hi Bay.
    Hi Sweetie, stoped to get my laundry done.
    I see.
    Very nice. Kisses.
    Olright for now. See you after work.
    See you.
    Scene 3:
    Potters Corner
    Year 2021 Early Summer
    A thriving out door market place. Grassroots grown with little interference.
    Pots of all different sizes sit polled up.
    Early mornng before the heat and people arrive for breakfast.
    Bord is out shaking here blankets and mats getting ready for the day climing her clever self all through the trees.

    Squirl shakes her tali and clucks for attention.

    The sky is violet in the approaching new sunlight.
    Everyone is steady and ready.

    Ginger broke the collegial silence.
    Hey Cinderella ——————————Your late!
    I’m not late Cinder replied stoutly. You are early!
    Thanks a lot.

    1. The game is a foot jackhammer replied. and hit send without missing a beat.

      Honestly, I don’t like where this is going.

      Why, what do you mean.

      I mean … i’m scared.

      Scared of what, Mom asked, absentmindedly.
      Dishes were stacked up in the sink as she ran fresh cool water over her hands.

      “Nevermind”, Violet replied. “I don’t know what all the fuss is about.
      That scares me.”

      I see. Paula chimed in. I’ts practice and focused controle that created the egregor.
      Ya, I know! I’m chasing my doom down a one way.
      That you are my dear. We love ya for it!
      Kay, I’m off. See you next time.

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