Too Much

Today, I am setting out to save my website to my computer. I wrote about how to do it a while back. Let us see if I can find it.

It is on my website Yikes. Someone is listening to random video about solar power in China.

Okay lets see if I can stay on task.

Back to my desire to do something this morning. What is that?

Ah, hes. Make a copy of my website and save it on a memory stick and my computer.

Okay back to my site

We a publishing this immediately. Oh and I recommend Grammarly.

That renewable energy sound in the background is super distracting. I can hardly stay on topic.

Oh. how to save my website for permanent destruction.

Okay break.

Categorized as BLOG

By Lisa

I am a visual artist with a physical disability interested in writing a game. In this game you will make an avatar that lives online but who also appears in the material realm. The goal is to write your own story as you live it.

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