Too Much

Today, I am setting out to save my website to my computer. I wrote about how to do it a while back. Let us see if I can find it.

It is on my website Yikes. Someone is listening to random video about solar power in China.

Okay lets see if I can stay on task.

Back to my desire to do something this morning. What is that?

Ah, hes. Make a copy of my website and save it on a memory stick and my computer.

Okay back to my site

We a publishing this immediately. Oh and I recommend Grammarly.

That renewable energy sound in the background is super distracting. I can hardly stay on topic.

Oh. how to save my website for permanent destruction.

Okay break.

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I am hungry for the word of God. Jesus, the only son of God, died on the cross to pay for our sins. He is our lifeline to everlasting life.

This morning I woke up thinking Colossians. Why I wonder?

Keith and I are planning to visit Monty on August 3rd. I wanted to start planning the trip. Monty lives somewhere in Picton. I don’t have the coordinates; Keith does. I will be in charge of driving.

Colossians is on page 1103 of my Holy Bible, the New Saint James version.

Keith and I discussed the trip to Monty’s over the dishes. We have a suitcase in the studio closet which we have never used. It was hanging on a hanger and he got it out for me to pack. It might be too big for overnight.

Anyway Colossians starts out:

  1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother.
    • 2. To the Saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse.
    • Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

Colosse had been “a great city of Phrygia,”

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Lesson Two

Communism lost its toehold in Eastern Europe in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down. Russians were free.

The cursor blinked on and off at the end of the sentence.

Keith and I disagreed about the cause of WW@. While we did the disses, he asked me why I didn’t agree that it was the German people who were the aggressors, as history foretold.

Russia, China, and Vietnam freed themselves from communism’s cruelty. The exact dates are written somewhere in history.

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