Lesson Two

Communism lost its toehold in Eastern Europe in 1991 when the Berlin Wall came down. Russians were free.

The cursor blinked on and off at the end of the sentence.

Keith and I disagreed about the cause of WW@. While we did the disses, he asked me why I didn’t agree that it was the German people who were the aggressors, as history foretold.

Russia, China, and Vietnam freed themselves from communism’s cruelty. The exact dates are written somewhere in history.

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Lesson One

12 July 2024

Cinematography is the art of Moving Pictures.

I have a Pentax Camera with which I take still pictures. If I take several pictures changing things either by moving the camera lens or the objects photographed, then assemble these picture and view them one after the other, we can call it a”moving picture”. Cinematography is the art of putting these images or “moving pictures” together to tell a story.

Cinematography comes from two ancient Greek words; kinēme, which means movement, and gráphein, which means to write, paint, or draw.

A video camera is a more sophisticated way of filming your story.

A flip book is another form of making a “moving picture.”

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